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Stata SAS
Variable Name disab_nowork
Top Access Level released
Label Disability Prevents Work - (CORE or TM)
Codebook SIPP Synthetic Beta v6
Type numeric


ssb_v6_0_synthetic1_1.sas7bdat   http://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sipp/methodology/sipp-synthetic-beta-data-product.html  ( SAS )
ssb_v6_0_synthetic1_1.dta   http://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sipp/methodology/sipp-synthetic-beta-data-product.html  ( Stata )

Full Description

This variable indicates that a person had a work-preventing disability. This information comes from the disability topical module in the 1984, 1990-1993 panels. In the 1996 - 2008 panels, this variable is created from a combination of reports in the core and the disability topical module. We look across all waves of the panel and at the topical module and if ever there is a report of a work-preventing disability, we set this indicator to 1. The universe for this variable is all individuals who were at least age 15 and no older than age 70 by the end of the panel. The following disability variables from the core were used: 1996, 2001, 2004, & 2008 (EDISPREV). Disability topical modules were asked in the following waves, by panel: Wave 3 in 1984 (TM8470); Wave 3 in 1990, 1991, & 1993 (TM8924); Wave 6 in 1992 (TM8924); Wave 5 in 1996, 2001, & 2004 (EJOBCANT); Wave 6 in 2008 (EJOBCANT).

Values (2 total)

0 No
1 Yes