
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why aren't some features displayed correctly?

CED2AR requires a modern browser with javascript enabled. We do not support older versions of Internet Explorer. Regardless, please report any bugs or errors. (See bottom of page.)

2. What are the search shortcuts?

Asterisks denote a wildcard.

  • age matches terms with the root of age (age, aged, aging, ages)
  • age* matches terms that starts with age (agency)
  • *age matches terms that end with age (wage and marriage would match)
  • *age* matches terms that contain age (wages would match)

A single hyphen denotes that a the variable does not contain the specified term.
Example: -age
Hyphens should be outside asterisks:

  • Valid: -age*
  • Valid: -*age*
  • Invalid: *-age*

Field shortcuts can be used to match a term only in a specific field. Append them to a beginning of a term or phrase

  • n= Variable name
  • l= Label
  • f= Full description
  • c= Codebook Instructions
  • t= Variable Concept/Type

Example: n=age*

Pipes denote an OR concatenation
Example: money|income

3. How do I insert ASCII math?

CED2AR supports ASCII math for any editable fields. The ASCII math is denoted by the grave accent (the ` symbol). Note this is commonly found on the same key as the diacritical tilde, (the ~ symbol,) and not the apostrophe found under the double quotation mark. For example the code:

`B[\bar{X}_{agkt}] =\ 1/(M-1)sum_{l=1}^{100}(\hat{X}_{agkt}^{(l)} - \bar{X}_{agkt})^2`

renders as:

`B[\bar{X}_{agkt}] =\ 1/(M-1)sum_{l=1}^{100}(\hat{X}_{agkt}^{(l)} - \bar{X}_{agkt})^2`

Please see http://asciimath.org/ for specific syntax.