Viewing variable 109 of 753
Previous Variable Next VariableVariable Name | df_qwi_z_wfs |
Label | Degrees of freedom for QWI: average monthly earnings FQ separations |
Codebook | National QWI |
Concept | |
Type | numeric |
Direct Link | df_qwi_z_wfs |
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Full Description
Degrees of freedom for a generic variable `X` are defined as:
`df[\bar{X}_{agkt}] =\ (M-1)(1 + 1/(M+1) \frac{1/M sum_{l=1}^M V^{(l)} [\hat{X}_{agkt}]}{B[\bar{X}_{agkt}]})^2`
where `V^{(l)}[\hat{X}_{agkt}]` and `B[\bar{X}_{agkt}]` are respectively the within implicate variance and the between implicate variance of `X`.