proc format; value $cur9fla 0 ="Linked marriage did not end" 1 ="Linked marriage ended" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $cur9rea 0 ="Linked marriage ended in divorce" 1 ="Linked marriage ended because of a death" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value panel 1990 ="1990" 1991 ="1991" 1992 ="1992" 1993 ="1993" 1996 ="1996" 2001 ="2001" 2004 ="2004" ; run; proc format; value $mh1x 0 ="Never married" 1 ="First marriage occurred" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh2x 0 ="First Marriage did not end over course of survey" 1 ="First marriage ended in widowhood" 2 ="First marriage ended in divorce/separation" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh3x 0 ="No second marriage" 1 ="Second marriage occurred" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh4x 0 ="Second marriage did not end over course of survey" 1 ="Second marriage ended in widowhood" 2 ="Second marriage ended in divorce/separation" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh5x 0 ="No third marriage" 1 ="Third marriage occurred" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh6x 0 ="Third marriage did not end over course of survey" 1 ="Third marriage ended in widowhood" 2 ="Third marriage ended in divorce/separation" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh7x 0 ="No fourth marriage" 1 ="Fourth marriage occurred" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mh8x 0 ="Fourth marriage did not end over course of survey" 1 ="Fourth marriage ended in widowhood" 2 ="Fourth marriage ended in divorce/separation" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value male 0 ="Female" 1 ="Male" ; run; proc format; value race 1 ="White" 2 ="Black" 3 ="Other" ; run; proc format; value his9ani 0 ="Non-hispanic" 1 ="Hispanic" ; run; proc format; value fla9xis 0 ="Death date does not exist, respondent did not die during this interval" 1 ="Death date exists, respondent died during this interval" ; run; proc format; value $obs9_nu 1 ="Linked marriage is first reported marriage described by mh1, mh2, mh_date1, and mh_date2" 2 ="Linked marriage is first reported marriage described by mh3, mh4, mh_date3, and mh_date4" 3 ="Linked marriage is first reported marriage described by mh5, mh6, mh_date5, and mh_date6" 4 ="Linked marriage is first reported marriage described by mh7, mh8, mh_date7, and mh_date8" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $fla9ar4x 0 ="No additional marriage occurred with unknown date" 1 ="An additional marriage occurred but with unknown date" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $fir9yea Sysmiss - Structurally missing (own_kids_ever 0) ="Sysmiss - Structurally missing (own_kids_ever 0)" ; run; proc format; value $las9yea Sysmiss - Structurally missing (own_kids_ever 0) ="Sysmiss - Structurally missing (own_kids_ever 0)" ; run; proc format; value edu95ca 1 ="No high school degree" 2 ="High school degree" 3 ="Some college" 4 ="College degree" 5 ="Graduate degree" ; run; proc format; value $cur9l_h 0 ="Not currently enrolled in high school" 1 ="Currently enrolled in high school" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $yea9sth Sysmiss - Structurally missing (educ_5cat 1 or educ_5cat 2) ="Sysmiss - Structurally missing (educ_5cat 1 or educ_5cat 2)" ; run; proc format; value $cur9col 0 ="Not currently enrolled in college" 1 ="Currently enrolled in college" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $yea9sth Sysmiss - Structurally missing (educ_5cat 1 or educ_5cat 2) ="Sysmiss - Structurally missing (educ_5cat 1 or educ_5cat 2)" ; run; proc format; value $fie9bac 0 ="Unknown" 1 ="Agriculture/Forestry" 2 ="Art/Architecture (1996-2004 panels); Biology (1990-1993 panels)" 3 ="Business/Management" 4 ="Communications (1996-2004 panels); Economics (1990-1993 panels)" 5 ="Computer and Information Sciences (1996-2004 panels); Education (1990-1993 panels)" 6 ="Education (1996-2004 panels); Engineering (1990-1993 panels)" 7 ="Engineering (1996-2004 panels); English/Journalism (1990-1993 panels)" 8 ="English/Literature (1996-2004 panels); Home Economics (1990-1993 panels)" 9 ="Foreign Language (1996-2004 panels); Law (1990-1993 panels)" 10 ="Health Sciences (1996-2004 panels); Liberal Arts/Humanities (including arts, architecture, music, languages, philosophy) (1990-1993 panels)" 11 ="Liberal Arts/Humanities (1996-2004 panels); Mathematics/Statistics (1990-1993 panels)" 12 ="Mathematics/Statistics (1996-2004 panels); Medicine (1990-1993 panels)" 13 ="Nature Sciences (Biological and Physical) (1996-2004 panels); Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Technologies (1990-1993)" 14 ="Philosophy/Religion/Theology (1996-2004 panels); Physical or Earth Sciences (1990-1993 panels)" 15 ="Pre-Professional (1996-2004 panels); Police Science or Law Enforcement (1990-1993 panels)" 16 ="Psychology" 17 ="Social Sciences/History (1996-2004 panels); Religion/Theology (1990-1993 panels)" 18 ="Other (1996-2004 panels); Social Sciences (1990-1993 panels)" 19 ="Vocational or Technical Studies (1990-1993 panels)" 20 ="Other (1990-1993 panels)" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value for9bor 0 ="Born in U.S." 1 ="Born in country other than U.S." ; run; proc format; value $tim9_us 1 ="Before 1959" 2 ="1960-1964" 3 ="1965-1969" 4 ="1970-1974" 5 ="1975-1979" 6 ="1980-1981" 7 ="1982-1984" 8 ="1985-1993" 9 ="1994-1999" 10 ="2000-2004" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value own9hom 0 ="Do not own a home" 1 ="Own a home" ; run; proc format; value ind9xis 0 ="No, last worked 1984 or earlier, or no valid industry reported" 1 ="Yes" ; run; proc format; value occ9xis 0 ="No, last worked 1984 or earlier, or no valid industry reported" 1 ="Yes" ; run; proc format; value $ind94ca 1 ="Manufacturing" 2 ="Wholesale/retail trade" 3 ="FIRE, services, public administration, military" 4 ="Agriculture, mining, construction, transportation, communications, and public utilities" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $occ93ca 1 ="Managerial and professional specialty occupations" 2 ="Technical, sales, and administrative support occupations" 3 ="Other" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value pen9emp 0 ="Pension was not in scope" 1 ="Pension was in scope" ; run; proc format; value $db_9sio 0 ="No defined benefit pension plan" 1 ="Had defined benefit pension plan" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $dc_9sio 0 ="No defined contribution pension plan" 1 ="Had defined contribution pension plan" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $sum9isa 0 ="No (sum_disab_in_scope 1)" 1 ="Yes (sum_disab_in_scope 1)" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $sum9wor 0 ="No (sum_disab 1)" 1 ="Yes (sum_disab 1)" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value wqc9YYY 0 ="0" 1 ="1" 2 ="2" 3 ="3" 4 ="4" ; run; proc format; value fla9_mb 0 ="Respondent was not matched to MBR" 1 ="Respondent was matched to MBR" ; run; proc format; value $mbr9tir 0 ="Does not receive monthly retire benefit" 1 ="Receives monthly retire benefit" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mbr9isa 0 ="Does not receive monthly disability benefit" 1 ="Receives monthly disability benefit" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mbr9eds 0 ="Does not receive monthly agedsp benefit" 1 ="Receives monthly agedsp benefit" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mbr9ows 0 ="Does not receive monthly widowsp benefit" 1 ="Receives monthly widowsp benefit" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $mbr9the 0 ="Does not receive other monthly benefits" 1 ="Receives other monthly benefits" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value fla9_ss 0 ="SSN not found in SSA Supplemental Security Records (SSR)" 1 ="SSN found in SSR" ; run; proc format; value $hic9YYY 0 ="Respondent did not have health insurance coverage during this month" 1 ="Respondent had health insurance coverage during this month" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $hie9YYY 0 ="Respondent did not have employer-provided health insurance" 1 ="Respondent had employer-provided health insurance" Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $tot9YYY Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $tot9YYY Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $wks9YYY Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $wks9YYY Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value $tot9YYY Sysmiss ="." ; run; proc format; value state 1 ="Alabama" 2 ="Alaska *see description" 4 ="Arizona" 5 ="Arkansas" 6 ="California" 8 ="Colorado" 9 ="Connecticut" 10 ="Delaware" 11 ="DC" 12 ="Florida" 13 ="Georgia" 15 ="Hawaii" 16 ="Idaho *see description" 17 ="Illinois" 18 ="Indiana" 19 ="Iowa *see description" 20 ="Kansas" 21 ="Kentucky" 22 ="Louisiana" 23 ="Maine *see description" 24 ="Maryland" 25 ="Massachusetts" 26 ="Michigan" 27 ="Minnesota" 28 ="Mississippi *see description" 29 ="Missouri" 30 ="Montana *see description" 31 ="Nebraska" 32 ="Nevada" 33 ="New Hampshire" 34 ="New Jersey" 35 ="New Mexico *see description" 36 ="New York" 37 ="North Carolina" 38 ="North Dakota *see description" 39 ="Ohio" 40 ="Oklahoma" 41 ="Oregon" 42 ="Pennsylvania" 44 ="Rhode Island" 45 ="South Carolina" 46 ="South Dakota *see description" 47 ="Tennessee" 48 ="Texas" 49 ="Utah" 50 ="Vermont *see description" 51 ="Virginia" 53 ="Washington" 54 ="West Virginia *see description" 55 ="Wisconsin" 56 ="Wyoming *see description" 61 ="(1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 2001 panels) Maine, Vermont *see description" 62 ="(1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 panels) Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota (1996, 2001 panels) North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming *see description" 63 ="(1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 panels) Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming *see description" 90 ="(1984 panel only) Idaho, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wyoming *see description" 91 ="(1984 panel only) Mississippi, West Virginia *see description" ; run; /* data ssb_v5_1_synthetic1_1; label cur_endmar_flag = "Flag: Linked marriage ended"; label cur_endmar_reas = "Flag: Reason linked marriage ended"; label panel = "SIPP Panel Year"; label sipp_panel_end_date = "SIPP Panel End Date"; label cur_startmar = "SAS Date linked marriage began"; label cur_endmar = "SAS Date linked marriage ended"; label totfam_kids = "Total Number of Children in Family"; label mh1 = "Flag: Marital History Event 1"; label mh2 = "Flag: Marital History Event 2"; label mh3 = "Flag: Marital History Event 3"; label mh4 = "Flag: Marital History Event 4"; label mh5 = "Flag: Marital History Event 5"; label mh6 = "Flag: Marital History Event 6"; label mh7 = "Flag: Marital History Event 7"; label mh8 = "Flag: Marital History Event 8"; label mh_date1 = "Date of Marital History Event 1"; label mh_date2 = "Date of marital history event 2"; label mh_date3 = "Date of marital history event 3"; label mh_date4 = "Date of marital history event 4"; label mh_date5 = "Date of marital history event 5"; label mh_date6 = "Date of marital history event 6"; label mh_date7 = "Date of marital history event 7"; label mh_date8 = "Date of marital history event 8"; label personid = "Unique person identifier"; label spouse_personid = "Personid of spouse"; label male = "Male"; label birthdate = "Date of Birth"; label race = "Race"; label hispanic = "Hispanic"; label flag_deathdate_exist = "Flag: Existence of Date of Death"; label deathdate = "Date of Death"; label obs_first_sipp_mar_num = "Ordinal Number of First Obs Marriage"; label flag_mar4t = "Flag: 4 or More Marriages"; label own_kids_ever = "Number of Children Ever Born"; label first_birth_year = "Year of Birth of First Child"; label last_birth_year = "Year of Birth of Last Child"; label educ_5cat = "Education Category (5)"; label current_enroll_hs = "Flag currently enrolled in high school"; label year_end_hs = "Year Ended HS (or less) Education"; label year_beg_posths = "Year Began Post-HS Education"; label current_enroll_coll = "Flag currently enrolled in college"; label year_end_posths = "Year Ended Post-HS Education"; label year_bach = "Year of Bachelor Degree"; label field_bach = "Field of Bachelor Degree"; label foreign_born = "Foreign Born"; label time_arrive_usa = "Decade of Arrival to US (Foreign Born)"; label own_home = "Own a Home"; label homeequity = "Home Equity"; label nonhouswealth = "Non-Housing Financial Wealth"; label totnetworth = "Total Net Worth"; label ind_exist = "Flag: Industry Assigned"; label occ_exist = "Flag: Occupation Assigned"; label ind_4cat = "Industry Category (4)"; label occ_3cat = "Occupation Category (3)"; label pension_in_scope_empl = "In-Scope for Pension (Level II)"; label db_pension = "Defined Benefit Pension Plan"; label dc_pension = "Defined Contribution Pension Plan"; label sum_disab = "Disability (Sum of Core and TM)"; label sum_disab_nowork = "Disability Prevents Work (Sum of Core and TM)"; label totearn_ser_YYYY = "SER: Total Earnings"; label wqc_yrtot_YYYY = "SER: Annual Total Covered Quarters of Work"; label nondefer_der_fica_YYYY = "DER: Non-Deferred FICA"; label nondefer_der_nonfica_YYYY = "DER: Non-Deferred Non-FICA"; label defer_der_fica_YYYY = "DER: Deferred FICA"; label defer_der_nonfica_YYYY = "DER: Deferred Non-FICA"; label flag_in_mbr = "Flag: In MBR"; label mbr_retire = "MBR: receive retire benefit"; label mbr_retire_stdate = "MBR: startdate of benefit"; label mbr_retire_totamt = "MBR: total monthly benefit"; label phus_retire_stdate = "PHUS: startdate of benefit"; label phus_retire_totamt = "PHUS: total monthly benefit"; label mbr_disab = "MBR: receive disab benefit"; label mbr_disab_stdate = "MBR: startdate of benefit"; label mbr_disab_totamt = "MBR: total monthly benefit"; label phus_disab_stdate = "PHUS: startdate of benefit"; label phus_disab_totamt = "PHUS: total monthly benefit"; label mbr_agedsp = "MBR: receive agedsp benefit"; label mbr_agedsp_stdate = "MBR: startdate of benefit"; label mbr_agedsp_totamt = "MBR: total monthly benefit"; label phus_agedsp_stdate = "PHUS: startdate of benefit"; label phus_agedsp_totamt = "PHUS: total monthly benefit"; label mbr_widowsp = "MBR: receive widowsp benefit"; label mbr_widowsp_stdate = "MBR: startdate of benefit"; label mbr_widowsp_totamt = "MBR: total monthly benefit"; label phus_widowsp_stdate = "PHUS: startdate of benefit"; label phus_widowsp_totamt = "PHUS: total monthly benefit"; label mbr_other = "MBR: receive other benefit"; label mbr_other_stdate = "MBR: startdate of benefit"; label mbr_other_totamt = "MBR: total monthly benefit"; label phus_other_stdate = "PHUS: startdate of benefit"; label phus_other_totamt = "PHUS: total monthly benefit"; label flag_in_ssr = "Flag: in SSR"; label ssr_ssi_amt_initial = "SSR: SSI Amount - Initial ($2000)"; label ssr_ssi_date_initial_entitle = "SAS Date - SSR: SSI Date of Initial Entitlement"; label hicov_YYYYM = "Health Insurance Coverage"; label hiemp_YYYYM = "Health Insurance Coverage from Employer"; label totinc_YYYYM = "Total Personal Income"; label tothours_YYYYM = "Total Hours Worked at All Jobs"; label wksjob_YYYYM = "Weeks at a Job"; label wkswp_YYYYM = "Weeks With Pay"; label totearn_YYYYM = "Total SIPP Earnings"; label state = "State of Residence: FIPS code (modified)"; format cur_endmar_flag cur9fla. cur_endmar_reas cur9rea. panel panel. sipp_panel_end_date sip9dat. cur_startmar cur9tma. cur_endmar cur9dma. totfam_kids tot9kid. mh1 mh1x. mh2 mh2x. mh3 mh3x. mh4 mh4x. mh5 mh5x. mh6 mh6x. mh7 mh7x. mh8 mh8x. mh_date1 mh_9ate. mh_date2 mh_9ate. mh_date3 mh_9ate. mh_date4 mh_9ate. mh_date5 mh_9ate. mh_date6 mh_9ate. mh_date7 mh_9ate. mh_date8 mh_9ate. personid per9oni. spouse_personid spo9oni. male male. birthdate bir9dat. race race. hispanic his9ani. flag_deathdate_exist fla9xis. deathdate dea9dat. obs_first_sipp_mar_num obs9_nu. flag_mar4t fla9ar4x. own_kids_ever own9eve. first_birth_year fir9yea. last_birth_year las9yea. educ_5cat edu95ca. current_enroll_hs cur9l_h. year_end_hs yea9d_h. year_beg_posths yea9sth. current_enroll_coll cur9col. year_end_posths yea9sth. year_bach yea9bac. field_bach fie9bac. foreign_born for9bor. time_arrive_usa tim9_us. own_home own9hom. homeequity hom9uit. nonhouswealth non9alt. totnetworth tot9ort. ind_exist ind9xis. occ_exist occ9xis. ind_4cat ind94ca. occ_3cat occ93ca. pension_in_scope_empl pen9emp. db_pension db_9sio. dc_pension dc_9sio. sum_disab sum9isa. sum_disab_nowork sum9wor. totearn_ser_YYYY tot9YYY. wqc_yrtot_YYYY wqc9YYY. nondefer_der_fica_YYYY non9YYY. nondefer_der_nonfica_YYYY non9YYY. defer_der_fica_YYYY def9YYY. defer_der_nonfica_YYYY def9YYY. flag_in_mbr fla9_mb. mbr_retire mbr9tir. mbr_retire_stdate mbr9dat. mbr_retire_totamt mbr9tam. phus_retire_stdate phu9dat. phus_retire_totamt phu9tam. mbr_disab mbr9isa. mbr_disab_stdate mbr9dat. mbr_disab_totamt mbr9tam. phus_disab_stdate phu9dat. phus_disab_totamt phu9tam. mbr_agedsp mbr9eds. mbr_agedsp_stdate mbr9dat. mbr_agedsp_totamt mbr9tam. phus_agedsp_stdate phu9dat. phus_agedsp_totamt phu9tam. mbr_widowsp mbr9ows. mbr_widowsp_stdate mbr9dat. mbr_widowsp_totamt mbr9tam. phus_widowsp_stdate phu9dat. phus_widowsp_totamt phu9tam. mbr_other mbr9the. mbr_other_stdate mbr9dat. mbr_other_totamt mbr9tam. phus_other_stdate phu9dat. phus_other_totamt phu9tam. flag_in_ssr fla9_ss. ssr_ssi_amt_initial ssr9tia. ssr_ssi_date_initial_entitle ssr9itl. hicov_YYYYM hic9YYY. hiemp_YYYYM hie9YYY. totinc_YYYYM tot9YYY. tothours_YYYYM tot9YYY. wksjob_YYYYM wks9YYY. wkswp_YYYYM wks9YYY. totearn_YYYYM tot9YYY. state state. ; run; */