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Stata SAS
Variable Name emp
Top Access Level undefined (no restrictions)
Label Total Employment in 1000s
Codebook NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database (2009) [SIC]
Type numeric


sic5809.dta   http://www.nber.org/data/nberces5809.html  ( Stata )
sic5809.sas7bdat   http://www.nber.org/data/nberces5809.html  ( SAS )
sic5809.xls   http://www.nber.org/data/nberces5809.html  ( Excel spreadsheet )
sic5809.csv   http://www.nber.org/data/nberces5809.html  ( CSV )

Full Description

Number of employees (in 1000s). This includes both production workers (average of reported employment in March, May, August and November) and other workers (only March figure). It does not include employees in the auxiliary (administrative) units, which are reported separately.

Summary Statistics

Valid values 23759
Invalid values 109
Minimum 0.2
Maximum 565.4
Mean 36.838
Standard deviation 51.612

Value Ranges

Value Range

Range: [ 0.2 , 565.4 ]